Kaori Tanaka
-Artist Painter-


kaori tanaka

Kaori Tanaka is very unique artist painter who is drawing the Japanese Garden as amain motif. Because she is using various vivid colors to draw Japanese garden, her artworks are bit different with the typical images of Japanese garden, such as the simple and the serene hush. The Japanese garden she draws are very colorful and gives viewer the strange impression.

It might have very strong impression when something drawn in fluorescent colors. However, her colorful Japanese gardens come across calm, relax and soft impression. This is one of the most important features of her works and the reason why the viewers feel fabulously interested in her works.

Basically when you go to Japanese gardens, you would be able to calm and relax. Because she is using various vivid colors to draw Japanese gardens, she is careful not to giving strong impression to viewers. And also she is conscious to be natural when she draws artworks.

Kaori Tanaka tries to express the strange feeling of Japanese garden which contains artificiality in natural object. Of course the Japanese gardens are natural object, but they are created by human hand. And there are existed the conscious of people. The Japanese gardens are made with the philosophy very much far from reality, such as the confer immortality, heaven and paradise. She believes Japanese garden is representing a human being. Because Japanese gardens are made by human hand and the full of human ideal. Even though Japanese gardens are controlled by human ideal, it is a natural object.

[Official Page]
HP: http://www.garden-kaoritanaka.com/index.html

[Related Article]
Kaori Tanaka -Artist Painter-


-”KOGATSUSAN” @Wid gallery project HRD FINE ART Kyoto

-”Garden going to sink into consciousness” @Gallery Anntena Kyoto

-Solo Exhibition @Matsuzakaya Ueno Tokyo
-Solo Exhibition @Mitsukoshi Sapporo

-”The Elegance of Silence flowering” @Gallery Art composition Tokyo
-0 Gallary eyes Osaka

-”蓬莱HOURAI” @Art space NIJI Kyoto

-”Things like diamonds and luxury landscape” @Gallery Anntena Kyoto

-”The Dream Flower” @CAP HOUSE Yamagawa Gallery Kobe

-”Relax” @Gallery Anntena Kyoto

・Group Exhibition:

-”Current Exhibition” @Art museum of Kyoto
-”Matsuri” 10th anniversary of the Gallery wks @Gallery wks
-”ABEND” Gallery Ort project@Gallery Ort
-”ART SALADA” @Soho Art gallery
-”Kyoto open studio 2012″ @Kaori Tnaka Atelier
-”4 young artists exhibition”@Mitsukoshi Matsuyama
-”TRANSNATIONAL ART 2012″ @Osaka contemporary museum

-”Art festival in Manpuku temple”@Kyoto Manpuku temple
-”Current Exhibition” @Art museum of Kyoto
-”Art Auction story” @Institut français du Japon
-”KYOTO APERTO Open atelier walk” @Kaori Tnaka Atelier

-”Intellection & Painting2″ @Gallery works Osaka
-”Kyouten 2010″ @Art museum of Kyoto city

-”Tokyo wonder wall 2009″ @MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART TOKYO

-”Intellection & Painting” @Gallery works Osaka
-”Theory Art award” @Main shop of Theory Aoyama Tokyo
-”Article award exhibition” @AJC auction Tokyo

-”Art camp in kunst dau” @Gallery Yamaguchi Osaka

-”Another story” @Gallery Antenna Kyoto

-”Art camp in CASO” @Coast Gallery CASO Osaka
-”1/3″ @Gallery Coco Kyoto

-”Young Art Taipei2010″

-”Komazawa Housing Gallery Art fair 2009 Tokyo”
-”Art Osaka 2009″ @Dojima Hotel

-”Singapore Art fair 2008″
-”Asia top hotel art fair 2008″ @Hotel New Otani Tokyo
-”art daegu 2008″ @Daegu Korea


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